What can you do for me that I’m not already doing for myself?
If you’re an independent recruiter, you already know the advantages you enjoy. So what could Hire4 offer that you don’t already have?
1. Imagine your business with a full staff of back office support —billing, collections, database management, group advantages with vendors, etc. Instead of those late night bookkeeping sessions or checking your mailbox for that check that hasn’t come yet, you receive regular updates with your aging receivables, revenue report and EFT notices when your fee is deposited in your account.
2. Contract revenues without Employer of Record Liability. Most independent recruiters are passing up lucrative contract and temporary business. Who wants the liability of being employer-of-record, withholding taxes, filing 940’s and 941’s? Funding payroll? With Hire4, you just set up your candidate and we handle the rest and forward the net margin on to you. You’ll be able to say YES to making money in new ways!
3. Work along with other high-producing professionals, sharing leads and candidates, interacting with and learning together with other professional recruiters is key to growing your own business. Being in the “Inner Circle” of Hire4Group will give you the interaction and sense of being part of a recruiting community (at whatever level you choose) that serves YOUR needs.
4. Training and professional development is a way of life for top producers. The Hire4Group Training Program will get you rolling with the latest technology tools and media regular webinar training targeted at the advanced recruiter level will “up your game” constantly.